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About probiotics

What is Probiotics

Writer : Cuomebio
Date : 2018-12-12 13:47:22
views : 566




Chapter 1 What is Probiotics?

● Traditional definition of probiotics 

: It is a living microorganism that has a healthy beneficial effect on the host when ingested in an appropriate amount(source: WHO). 
It was limited to the consultative range of viable microbe. 

● Current definition of probiotics 

: It is expanding not only to microorganisms but also to their cultures, so the microbial carcasses(killed probiotics) is also included in the category of probiotics.

This change in definition also applies to actual products, as well as to the definition of a probiotics of the Ministry in the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. 
The raw materials were defined as 'badge and protective agents for cultivating the following microorganisms or bacteria mixed with them'.
The following microbial organisms are designated by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) by 19 different species of lactobacillus.

Table 1. Types of lactobacillus designated by the MFDS 





L.acidophilus, L.casei, L.gasseri, L.delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus,

L.helveticus, L.fermentum, L.paracasei, L.plantarum, L.reuteri,

L.rahmnosus, L.salivarius


Lc. lactis


E.faecium, E.faecalis




B.bifidum, B.breve, B.longgum, B.animalis ssp. lactis


Lactobacillus microbial carcasses has become more prominent on scientific grounds, with its core being safe and stable.

Safety is concerned with the recent issue of sepsis, the crossover of antibiotic resistant bacteria, etc by living probiotics.

The remarkable characteristic is that already killed probiotics is free from these risks. 

Neu, a professor at the University of Florida's School of Medicine, said, With the Nutrition revies, probiotics are routinely restricted to living organisms.
He emphasized on the effectiveness of lactobacillus microbial carcasses as a probiotic and recommended the use of them for safety reasons.



Currently in Korea, heat killed probiotics by the Korea Food Research Institute compared to the biota in the gut's fashion, has been confirmed that the efficacy is higher or steady, and the effective ingredients of the slain(dead) bacteria is extracted to reduce the volume, enabling trillions of highly-concentrated probiotics (trillions per gram)to be ingested. 
As a result, this has made the immune activation and/or immune modulation more effective. 
This is something that was already known in advanced lactobacillus countries such as the U.K. already over 10 years ago, and it is regrettable that Korea's response is not yet active enough. 
Nature magazine has reached the stage where it emphasizes the efficacy of heat treated Enterococcus fecalis. 





The high concentrated slain (Dead) bacteria of CUOME is a primium 100% pure strain without filtering concentration procedure that causes a negative effect on immune activation and also without additives such as kito acid etc. to increase the gathering ratio after cultivation of microbes.  The Heat-killed bacteria of CUOME is also a immune speciallized primium strain with very low gathering rate and  the world's highest concentrated probiotics, which contains more than 8 trillion coccus bacteria per gram (5 trillion coccus bacteria per gram).




And in each lot, the dead bacteria material of CUOME, immunobiotics, goes through strict QC(Quality Control) by immune activation comparing test at the pharmaceutical level.



Currently in Korea, measurement of the mycelium(capacity) on living probiotic microbes is the only measuring method for the certification of the probiotics, and living probiotics takes majority of probiotics usage. However, in countries with advanced technology including Japan, measuring method for the slain(Dead) probiotic microbes has already been established and active market for killed probiotics has been developed. In case of Japan, the usage of living probiotics in the lactobacillus market has been reduced to less than 50 percent, and the usage of the killed bacteria has been expanded receiving great attention as new concept of food ingredient. Along with this flow, companies such as Kirin, Asahi, Morinaga, and even Yakult are in the market of killed probiotics.


Recently, a world-class food company, Nestle, began to actively participate in the killed probiotics market, and the whole lactobacillus market began to focus more on killed probiotics.
Nestle has established ‘Nestle Health Science’, investing $500 million over a decade. Its first step is devoted to further development of killed probiotics.    


● Meaning of killed probiotics microbes as a probiotics 


With the effect of long time commercial marketing strategy of ‘to reach the intestines alive’, the market for probiotic has been centered by the alive lactobacillus bacteria. However, on the scientific data basis of academic and industrious authorities, the efficiency and effectiveness of the killed probiotics microbes with its safety is being re-evaluated and furthermore, being encouraged to form a whole new market. So now, killed probiotics is in the limelight as the main ingredient for leading the future microbiome market, going beyond what has been defined in mere writing. 

It has become an important factor to have a close understanding of the organisms of this killed probiotics and to apply it actively to create new business values.



Chapter 2 What Is Immunobiotics?

● Lactic acid bacteria(LAB) does not reach the intestines alive.

Even with the initial intake of 'living LAB', most are sterilized with strong acidic digestive fluids while passing through the digestive tract.
And when they reach the intestinal tract , the small amount of LAB that has survived by escaping the harmful effect of digestive fluid is immediately removed by the bacteria or white blood cells that have settled in the intestines. 
It is impossible for living LAB consumed as a food to settle and grow in the intestines and give healthy effects.
More to say, many of the LAB products that are sold in the pretext of 'containing living lactic acid bacteria' however, the bacteria dies out in the process of distribution before it reaches the consumers' hands.

In other words, what has been thought to be the effect of 'living LAB' is highly likely to be the unless effect of 'non-living LAB'. 



Immune activation system of probiotics 

● Active ingredient is 'Polysaccharide' of cell wall

In Japan, where the 'living lactobacillus' myth is deep-rooted, many people may wonder how non-living lactobacillus can have health effects. 
Anyway, we have been learning that lactobacillus reaches the intestine alive and works.
But the fact is, it's not the living lactobacillus bacteria that works, but the bacteria itself as an active ingredient that does! 
The effect of lactobacillus is created by 'polysaccharide' contained in the cell wall of lactobacillus.

● Lactic acid bacteria(LAB) stimulates gut immunity.

The polysaccharide in LAB has the ability to rebuild the immune balance by keeping the white blood cells healthy. There's still a lot of uncertainty about under what structures LAB can make white blood cells healthy.
Perhaps the LAB through a meal is thought to stimulate 'gut immunity'.
A Gut Immunity is a pre-arranged body defense system for the gut.    






Because the gut is a danger zone where large quantities of foreign substances (not themselves) enter through each breath or meal, there is an independent immune system separate from the internal body in whole.
Lactobacillus derived with meals is believed to be consistently to be absorbed in the 'Payer's Patches' of small intestine wall of about 100 revisions for adults as it passes through here.


There's always a lot of white blood cell soldiers in there, and when there's foreign material like lactobacillus, it's captured like an ant colony and the information is passed on to the body.



And then the whole white blood cell becomes ready for the invasion of foreign material, which in turn leads to the improvement of the whole body's immune system.
One theory says that among the white blood cells that act on the gut immunity, only about 5 percent is always active and the rest mostly remain dormant.

If you continue to stimulate such 'sleeping white blood cells' with the common sense of lactobacillus, you can strongly prevent pathogens from invading or developing cancer.
The life extension and anti-cancer effects of LAB shown in the previous experiment (effects on mouse life after killed lactic acid bacteria implantation, effects of LAB on cancer cell proliferation) are also thought to be the result of the recovery of immune balance.



Living lactic acid bacteria, one trillion a day is unnatural

As mentioned over and over again, consuming living LAB or non-living LAB is expected to have the same basic health effect.
However, in clinical trials of UC (ulcerative colitis), Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, and Pouchitis (UC), ingestion of more than 500 billion lactobacillus were reported to have a significant effect(Technical report: An Emerging Trend of High Dose Probiotic Use in Clinical Practice (2011), Thomas Guilliams, Point Institute).
It's clear that we need to continue to ingest one trillion LAB a day to make sure that we're getting the immune effects of LAB, but it's very hard to consume such large quantity in

living form of LAB.
For example, the amount of LAB contained in a beverage containing living LAB in the market is only around 10 billion units per 100ml.
If you take a trillion of these LAB a day by beverages, you'll have to keep drinking 10 liters of them every day.
And there's even less LAB in yogurt, and the drug LAB only contains a few hundreds of millions per gram.



● Heat treatment makes lactic acid bacteria(LAB) more active. 

On the other hand, if you have non-living LAB, you can reduce the volume by extracting only the active ingredient, so you can consume up to trillions of LAB per gram. 
That is, one gram of the slain bacteria is ingested is the same as consuming hundreds of LAB drinks. And that's a simple way to solve a trillion intakes a day.
As a result, the non-living LAB is more advantageous in getting the effects of LAB 'surely' and 'efficiently'.
There's more to the advantage of choosing non-living LAB.
Killed probiotics is made by heat treating the LAB. Many experiments have shown that by properly heating LAB the efficacy of LAB (multi-sugar) increases the power to rebuild the immune balance.


● Non-living lactic acid bacteria (LAB) = Immune lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

It has become clear that LAB is more suitable for the 'not alive' one to work. 
The University of Waseda research team, Yasujawa Kazunari, decided to adopt a new term for 'non-living LAB', which helps rebuild the immune system.
It is the immune LAB.
The name means more than one trillion non-living LAB. And because different LAB organisms have different immune systems, different immune systems have different levels of activation. 




● Lactococcus lactis & Enterococcus faecalis Immune lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

So let's have a quick overview of the two profiles of Immune LAB.
They are types of intestinal bacteria that live in our intestines and exist in the body, especially in small intestine where

'Payer's Patch' is mainly present and they atr also very similar to an immune-induced anti-cancer drug Picibanil(OK-432). So, it's been noted as a material for BRM (Biological Response Modifier).

And a recent study has made it clear that when heated, these two immune bacterium had the following BRM effects.

  1. Facilitates the production of TNF.

  2. Increase and activate the macrophage.
  3. Increase and activate neutrophil.
  4. Activate T cells.
  5. Activate the NK cells.
  6. Improving the function of bone marrow (factory making rims)

● Biological response modifiers (BRMs) for safe eating and effects

Either way, it is important to note that no harmful effects such as side effects are reported in immune lactic acid bacteria (LAB).
It has the same effect as medicine, and without giving body stress, Immune LAB are truly suitable for BRM material.
And the fact that 'eating works' is very different from the traditional BRM.





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